getting old

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People Describe The Clear Signs That They're Getting Older
Aatik Tasneem/Unsplash

People say age is nothing but a number, or maybe it's a state of mind.

In my case, it's mostly a state of bladder.

In all fairness to my bladder, I'm not even 5 feet tall so it would be weird if I had some enormous elephantine organ.

I've always had to pee a lot ... but now I'm almost 40 and have a few pregnancies under my belt and honestly it's easier for me to just announce when I DON'T have to pee.

It's never. The answer is never.

Don't even ask me.

Yes, I have to pee.

And I'm not the only one.

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People Share The Exact Moment They Realized 'Sh*t, I'm Old'
Image by analogicus from Pixabay

Age isn't just a number, it's a part of life. That doesn't mean we sulk about it. We can still be vibrant at all ages, but acknowledging that time is running out is just accepting fact.

There are signs everyday to remind us. For me, its the loud music. Was music always this loud? And if so, why? We all get to that moment when we feel it, the turn of an era. The old era.

Redditor u/tamedreckless wanted everyone to share about the times in life so many have come upon the truth that.... the sand has run out of the hourglass by asking.... At what moment did you realize "Damn I'm old"?
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People Share The Exact Moment They First Thought 'I'm Getting Old"
Photo by Esther Ann on Unsplash

Growing into middle and old age is a gradual process that occurs over the course of many years. Youth burns bright and fades slowly. Those youngest years depart at a churning pace, relentless and constant.

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