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The Excuses People Use To Get Out Of Work That No One Can Get Mad At

Reddit user Just-Stay-386 asked: 'What’s an excuse to get out of work that no one can get mad at?'

People working at a desk by the window.
Photo by Ant Rozetsky on Unsplash

Nothing will get you in more hot water with your boss than coming up with a lame excuse as to why you didn't show up for work.

Especially if that excuse doesn't even turn out to be true.

Of course, life can be unpredictable, and sometimes what you're telling your boss might very well be nothing but the truth.

You just might need some evidence to back it up.

However, there are some excuses that might be one hundred percent foolproof for getting out of work without any resistance from your boss or colleagues.

No matter who you are, or who you work for.

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People Divulge The Reasons They've Been Banned From An Establishment
Isaiah Rustad on Unsplash

If you've never been banned from an establishment, then you haven't lived.

I jest.

But seriously, getting a bit raucous now and again and being escorted from a geographical point is like a rite of passage.

Now there is no need to be violent or cause property damage, that's just craziness. But maybe being a little too loud, or standing your ground with an ornery manager is worth it.

Just try to not be led out in handcuffs.

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People Break Down The Fastest They've Ever Seen A New Employee Get Fired
Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay

It's pretty easy for one to be fired. However, there are times when I've been saddled with co-workers where the firing seemed to drag on forever. No matter how it happens, I always enjoy an exit with drama. If you gotta go, you might as well leave a lasting impression.

I've been dumbfounded by the ways I've seen people fired. For instance, if you're going to steal, try not to do it directly in front of cameras. And if you're going to show up drunk, take a breath mint first. But if you do get fired, please make it entertaining. Unless of course it's sad and a proper situation. But nobody gets fired in record time for sad reasons.

Redditor u/njaana wanted to hear about the staff members who left an impression on their way out the door, by asking:

What is the fastest you have ever seen a new co-worker get fired?
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Escape Room Employees Divulge The Funniest Attempts People Have Made To Free Themselves
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

I suffer from debilitating claustrophobia so I know all the places I absolutely cannot go! And number one on that list is these oh so popular "escape room" festivities. This escape room craze has become all the rage in group activity and celebrations. The point of these games is to find your way out, not burn down the building and freak out. Can you imagine the amount of blackmail the staff at these places must have? LOL.

Redditor u/ann_ha was hoping those who work the Escape Room establishments would share a few tales about what they've been witness to by asking...
People working in escape rooms, what's the funniest thing that you've seen?
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Your intuition isn't fooled.

Ever have a rather unsettling feeling that something bad is about to happen and you realize you need to make a swift exit before things really go down the tubes?

If so, then you completely understand where Redditor tartar_buildup was coming from when they asked the online community, "What was your biggest 'we need to leave... Now!' moment?"

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