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People Explain What Instantly Makes Them Lose All Interest In Someone
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

Humans are annoying.

Our attention spans are limited, our attitudes really need adjusting, and we make dating torture on ourselves.

So losing interest in a person should be more of a given than a surprise.

But it is fascinating to learn about what can change a person's mind about another so quickly.

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People Share The Rudest Thing A Guest Has Ever Done In Their Home

It's time for you to checkout of this house.

People Share The Rudest Thing A Guest Has Ever Done In Their Home
Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash

Opening your home to loved ones and friends for a time is always the generous, right thing to do, especially when people are in particular need. But that charity needs to come with some rules and responsibility. When people start to get crazy, it's time for people to go. Your home is not an insane asylum and you are not a doormat. Rude is rude. And you don't need that mess.

Redditor lickmyfeet14 wanted to hear about some bad behavior among home invaders that were originally invited by asking:

What was the rudest thing a visitor did in your house?
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Starting a new job is not easy. It takes a lot of adjusting for both the employee and employer. But it's a relief to stop the job hunt. So, it would take a lot for someone to decide to quit, especially quit on the first day.

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Everyone is looking for a tribe; for a community, a group of people who will understand you and nourish you. So when we are on that search we sometimes make a few wrong turns that lead us to groups we have to escape and run screaming from. Groups of fanatics (Cults) are dangerous and more often then not people find themselves accidentally involved.

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English Teacher Caps Off Each School Year By Having Students Roast Her Class With Amazing Memes

When you were a kid, what made you look forward to the end of the school year?

All the end-of-year parties and movies during class?

The promise of summer?

No schoolwork for two to three months?

How about the chance to roast your teacher with dank memes?

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