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People Break Down The Most Overrated Cities To Visit
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

So many exotic locales in the world to see... and plenty of places NOT to see.

When one travels, we have to be astute.

Do the research.

No harm in skipping where we don't need to be.

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People Confess Which Accents They Find The Least Attractive
Photo by saeed karimi on Unsplash

I love accents.

As an actor, I live to utilize them.

In life, I love to hear them.

Maybe because I feel like an American accent is just too ordinary.

I never even thought Americans had one until I traveled abroad and people said they liked mine.

Accents seem to give off excitement and sex appeal.

But apparently there are some who could do without the emphasis.

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People Share Major Red Flags That You're In A Bad Neighborhood
Photo by Alin Andersen on Unsplash

"Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."

Those are thoughts that run through a lot of people's heads when we find ourselves in places we're unsure about.

Sometimes the map is wrong and you end up wandering into unsavory areas.

But how can we be sure they're unsavory?

Murder. Murder right in front of you is a dead giveaway.

But what about less obvious indictators?

What should we look for?

RedditorCouch_Lickerwanted to hear about what to look out for when you're unsure if the geography is unsafe. They asked:

"What are some red flags that you're in a 'bad' neighborhood?"
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People Break Down The Most Useless Geography Facts They Know
Image by Milada Vigerova from Pixabay

The Earth's endless mysteries continue to fascinate us and make us realize we are all specks of dust even as occupants of the blue planet.

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From the suburbs to the desert; the city to the plain; everywhere has its ups and its downs.

You can never get anywhere quickly in urban areas. In rural areas, you can drive for hours where there is literally nothing; for example.

The person you are dictates how you respond to these various pros and cons. Is it worth the crowding of the city? Or the dullness of the country?

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