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We are a quote heavy, self-help speeching society.

We thirst for leadership because honestly... life is dark and depressing.

How many books, speeches, essays and small "on the daily" quotes do we follow and take to heart?

Do you research every author of every quote?

You should. Or maybe you shouldn't.

Redditor cow780 wanted to hear some inspiration from the worst people possible. They asked:

"Reddit, what are some great quotes by terrible people?"
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June is Pride month, which means LGBTQ communities around the world will be organizing parades and events to celebrate their identities and continue the fight for equal rights under the law. However, three straight men in Boston seem to misunderstand the point of the festivities, and have applied for a permit to hold a "Straight Pride" parade.

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Everybody wants to be thought of as special. Every parent believes their child is special and gifted beyond measure and the rest of the world needs to bask in the glory of their offspring. That can be a lot of pressure for children to battle. Their is no ONE definition that makes anyone special. What is special? Or gifted? Having the I.Q. of Einstein doesn't make you accomplished or define your humanity. So when we discover our brain power is just as good as anybody's we learn that other things can be far more important to survival.

Redditor u/JayTheFearless wanted to hear the truth from those who have discovered they aren't quite as brilliant as they were lead to believe by wondering.... People who were told they were "gifted" growing up, how did you deal with realizing that you were pretty average?

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Kids are smart. Some of them are scary smart - like kindergarteners who can do times tables, or elementary school students who can do long division in their heads. Let's hope these people end up running the world someday.

eaquino03 asked teachers of Reddit: What is your "this student is so smart it's scary" story?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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I'm gonna be honest with you guys, I've never been to a wedding where the bride or groom went total -zilla on everyone. I've seen some terrible parents, I've heard my fair share of unfortunate speeches - shout out to that one awkward a capella performance. So intimate; so terrible.

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