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Women Explain Which Things They Wish Men Would Stop Doing

Reddit user enkiv2 asked: 'Women of Reddit, what's something specific that you wish men would stop doing?'

Woman in dress suit
Photo by sobhan joodi on Unsplash

We all have things that we enjoy and things that we absolutely can't stand, and that's also totally true of the things that people do around us or do to us.

And women have something to say about men's behavior, how they treat women, and what women would like them to stop doing, effective immediately.

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Guys Explain Which Things They Really Enjoy That Are Considered 'For Girls Only'
janeb13 from Pixabay

Boys play with boy things, girls play with girl things. That is an old, outdated line of thought that needs to squashed. We can all have fun in all things.

When I was coming of age my friends and I were constantly bombarded with boundaries, especially on the things that brought us joy.

Isn't that odd? Why would you try to co-op something specifically designed to create fun?

Because that's how the generations before were also taught.

Well... the times they are a changing.

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Guys Describe The Last Time They Broke Down And Cried

Men are often assumed to be bad at expressing their emotions...

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Women Break Down The Things About Men That Downright Confuse Them
Image by Pera Detlic from Pixabay

If you are a woman (or any non-cis man gender), the things men do can seem strange, confusing, and even stupid. While we may not understand it, man logic is a whole different way of thinking. After all, as a wise person once said, "men are from Mars". Here are a few examples of this from the women of Reddit.

u/_snazzleton_ asked: Women of Reddit, what is something about men that confuses you?

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Men Confess Which Traditionally 'Unmasculine' Things They Truly Enjoy
Photo by Abby Savage on Unsplash

We've reached a point in society where gender roles mean nothing.

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