gender identity

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Non-Binary 8-Year-Old Perfectly Explains What It Felt Like To Come Out, And We Should All Take Note
Jasmina 007/Getty Images

An 8-year-old in Alleghany County, Pennsylvania illustrated that, indeed, the times they are a-changin'.

The empowered second-grader asserted her non-binary identity with unapologetic grace and simplicity.

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Sam Smith Identifies As Gender Non-Binary In New Interview
Michael Dodge/Getty Images

Sam Smith Identified as gender non-binary in an interview released Friday.

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Author Redefines Their Gender Identity After Reading Marie Kondo's Book

Marie Kondo has been in the news quite a bit recently, with many people debating the usefulness of her method for decreasing clutter.

Kondo's method, KonMari, has resulted in some other unintended side effects, but the effect it had for author Sandy Allen had surprisingly little to do with excess "stuff."

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