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People Reveal The Absolute Best Insults They've Seen Someone Land

Reddit user MirrorFunhouse asked: 'What's an insult that's been thrown at you (or you heard toward someone else) that you actually admired or just made you laugh?'

person looking shocked
Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

We all have those moments when we want to have the perfect comeback, but we draw a complete blank.

Until three days later when we have an epiphany about what we should have said.

Well, maybe these bons mots can put some weapons in your arsenal.

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People Break Down The Worst Sitcom Characters Of All-Time
Photo by mahdi chaghari on Unsplash

Define the "worst?"

Are they the worst comically or truly horrendous?

Do we root for their crazy antics and snappy dialogue?

And do we still love them no matter what they seem to do?

Reddit was here to share their thoguhts.

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Pets enrich our lives in countless ways. One of the best is the way they seem to always be able to make us laugh, and this power multiplies exponentially when you have more than one pet.

The drama really ramps up when your pets are different species; different body language and communication styles between animals, as well as very differnt personalities, leads to some pretty hilarious drama.

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Who doesn't enjoy a compliment every now and then?

But have you ever thought you were complimented only to realize you've just been insulted?

For some people those backhanded compliments are unintentional, for some they're very much deliberate and for some people it's actually their love language.

Whatever the purpose, some of these veiled insults are downright clever.

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Guy pointing to his phone screen
Oyemike Princewill/Unsplash

Smartphones are pretty much another appendage to every individual who uses them.

The device acts as our primary communications device, banking assistant, research and gaming tool, and camera.

It's no wonder why privacy settings are essential. If our phones get into the wrong hands, we are completely vulnerable and our identity is susceptible to stealing.

But besides security concerns, our phones contain other types of "revealing" information that is better left unseen...until it isn't.

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