funny stories

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Embarrassed woman covering her face and laughing
Photo by Yousef Hussain on Unsplash

We've all done some embarrassing things, some that are so embarrassing, they actually keep us up at night.

But the worst kind of embarrassment has to be the kind that happens in front of a crush. While you're already worrying about whether or not they like you, and you're hoping to impress them, you somehow manage to do the exact opposite.

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People Describe Their Worst Hotel Stay
Photo by ConvertKit on Unsplash

Hotels are weird, if you think about it for longer than five seconds. You're paying money to lay down on a pillow for sure a thousand other people have slept on.

Hopefully, the hotel has done their due diligence, cleaned the room as best they can, and provided excellent service to make you forget this fact.

It's when the hotel doesn't cover the previous tenants that we seem to find the biggest problems.

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Internet Veterans Describe The Ancient Relics Of The Early Worldwide Web
Federica Galli on Unsplash

It doesn't feel like the internet has been around for longer than it has. Honestly, this whole day-to-day, sun up/sun down usage of the internet has really only taken foot within the last decade. How do I know this?

Not that long ago there was finite things to do on the internet.

Take a gander at some of the stories told by the grandpappies of the information super highway's heyday and learn what it used to be like to log on.

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People Describe The Moment They Realized They Were The One Being Creepy
Warren Wong on Unsplash

You don't always know it in the moment. That's the worst feeling of all, just to get that out of the way.

Your day is going just fine. You've gone to your favorite coffee shop to order your usual.

You're on auto-pilot, not thinking about things around you, and before you know it, you're staring at the barista deep in their eyes for an unnecessarily long amount of time.

You've just fell victim to the "creep."

Much like the people in the stories below.

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People With Multiple Pets Describe The Funniest Drama Between Their Animals
Image by huoadg5888 from Pixabay

I love animals. I used to be strictly a dog person, but then I found a stray cat who had been abandoned at only weeks old. Needless to say she stole my heart, even though I am allergic to cats. She was worth it. Now years later I am surrounded by a cat and two dogs. And I love them but, they are all nuts. They act like escaped mental patients day in and day out. And they are all strong personalities. Also, they are far from boring.

Redditor u/wheel-snipe-celly wanted to hear about life with all the fur babies by asking... People who own multiple pets, what is some drama going on between them right now?
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