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People Share The Best 'Yo Mama' Jokes They Know

Who doesn't love a good joke?

And one needn't be a professional comedian to always have a joke in their back pocket to make people laugh.

Particularly as there are certain types of jokes which are almost always guaranteed to elicit at least a tiny chuckle.

They could be knock-knock jokes, "little johnny" jokes, and of course the "yo mamma" jokes.

Though always teetering on the boundaries of good taste, the possibilities of jokingly insulting the mother of a friend, or foe, are endless, and more often than not, hilarious.

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911 Operators Share The Funniest Reasons People Have Ever Called In

911 operators have a front row seat to the moments when people are most stressed out.

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Babysitters Share Their Craziest 'Well, This Kid Is F***ed When They Grow Up' Experiences
Photo by Avi Waxman on Unsplash

Babysitters and daycare professionals have access to a unique vantage. As the trusted adults left in the room with a child or children, childcare workers are the ultimate flies on the wall.

And when a childcare worker performs that role for an extended period of time--an entire career in some cases--they become privy to a whole collage of different kids who come from different homes.

Sure, general trends and tendencies of parents create normal expectations, even monotony.

But there are times when kids do some WILD stuff that leaves a childcare worker raising their eyebrows.

And as a handful of Redditors clarified, the parents are nearly always a part of the final analysis.

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As children, we were mystified by the boring parts of life that grown-ups seemed not only to put up with... but embrace.

Wanting to go to bed early? Saying no to dessert? Initiating plans to do yard work? These were inconceivable thoughts, and they felt galaxies away from the person we'd ever become.

But anybody who's grown to be at least in their 20s--or beyond--those habits and priorities, quietly and without you noticing right away, become a part of your own life.

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Hilarious moments are blind to timing. They seem to strike at the absolute worst times, when laughing would be completely inappropriate.

But when hilarity strikes--maybe because someone misspoke or some Three Stooges-esque physical comedy erupted out of nowhere--us humans are defenseless.

We cackle and guffaw with the same sudden impulse of a sneeze or blinking.

Only after that initial chuckle do we have the wherewithal to suppress it under a covered mouth, rocking shoulders, and even tears.

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