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People Who Bring Condoms To Funerals 'Just In Case' Share Their Experiences

Reddit user Broke_Pigeon_Sales asked: 'After a recent study found 1 in 8 men under 35 admit to taking condoms to funerals "just in case", what's your experience with this?'

Be it desperation, self-indulgence, or simply optimism, many people never leave home without a condom.

If the chances of "getting lucky" are much more likely at some places than others, one never knows where or when they might hit it off with someone.

Including a funeral.

Bizarre and tasteless as that sounds, a recent study reportedly showed that 1 in 8 men under the age of 35 do, in fact, bring condoms with them when attending a funeral, "just in case".

Whether or not these condoms were used, however, is another story entirely.

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Any major life event that draws together everyone you know and love is going to be sizzling with drama, especially when family is involved. Funerals in particular are a dicey situation. Long held secrets and aggressions tend to bubble over and explode once liquor and overwrought, raw emotion is commingled. Even so, a funeral is not the place to display a sideshow. But more often than not a passing of life celebration loses all dignity and tends to mirror an episode of "Dynasty."Cheers to the dead who don't have to witness.

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