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People Share The Songs They Want To Be Played At Their Funeral
Terry Vine/GettyImages

At one time or another, many of us have had morbid thoughts about our mortality.

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Funeral Home Employees Divulge The Weirdest Requests They've Ever Gotten
Image by RitaE from Pixabay

Death is scary. It brings the unknown of the great beyond, whether that's heaven, some other afterlife, or total nothingness, depending on what you believe.

But there is one perk that comes with death: total control of your funeral.

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Picturing your own funeral can be an eerie and depressing exercise.

For some, though, the freedom to subject all your friends and family to your own morbid humor is an exciting idea.

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The Most Surprising Things They've Found In Someone's Belongings After They Passed Away
Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

When somebody passes away there is always "the box". It's in the back of an attic, down in the bottom drawer, or bestowed to a son or daughter in the will.

However the dusty crate makes its way to the living, looking through the items is often an eerie experience. There always seems to be uncertainty about whether the person was proud or ashamed of these things.

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People Imagine How They Would Make Their Funeral Fun

Death is hard. Saying goodbye to a loved one is one of life's worst hurdles. But maybe if we had some fun with death it could be more bearable or understandable. Who hasn't thought of faking their own passing just to see the attendance and then awaken and really shock everyone? Fun is essential in sad times.

Redditor u/frenreico42 wanted to know how everyone has... or has everyone.... dreamed of ways to cause hilarity at their passing of life celebration by asking... How would you put the fun in funeral?

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