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I cannot tell you how many times I had to answer asinine questions at this one job I had years ago. I was surrounded by people who didn't seem to know what they were doing and it drove me mad. We had a big project once and I remember I stayed up an entire night doing stuff on my own.

I eventually realized that the boss tended to hire his friends sooo... I was quite frustrated. Eventually I left and life is much better now, thankfully. But it did remind me of the importance of self reliance!

People shared their stories after Redditor Djwhat6 asked the online community,

"When was a “F**k it, I’ll do it myself” moment for you?"
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People Share Their Best 'Oh Sh*t, Here We Go Again' Stories

Humans are great at pattern recognition, and these patterns of daily life can often be comforting. Waking up and having the first cup of coffee of the day is a pattern that many people enjoy, and often signals a great day.

The phrase "We need to talk," has been the start of many an uncomfortable conversation though, so most people recognize it as an omen of awkwardness to come.

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The funny (in a tragic kind of way) thing about manipulative and abusive relationships is that sometimes you don't realize you're in one until something so ridiculous happens that you can't deny it any longer. One Reddit user is facing that realization after her husbands ultimatum, an assault by his friend, and the victim blaming that followed.

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