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People Explain Which Things Make Them Instantly Angry
Alexandra Mirgheș on Unsplash

Just because a person is affable and approaches life with an abundance of joy and enthusiasm doesn't mean there's not a hint of darkness there somewhere.

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I cannot tell you how many times I had to answer asinine questions at this one job I had years ago. I was surrounded by people who didn't seem to know what they were doing and it drove me mad. We had a big project once and I remember I stayed up an entire night doing stuff on my own.

I eventually realized that the boss tended to hire his friends sooo... I was quite frustrated. Eventually I left and life is much better now, thankfully. But it did remind me of the importance of self reliance!

People shared their stories after Redditor Djwhat6 asked the online community,

"When was a “F**k it, I’ll do it myself” moment for you?"
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People Describe The Things That They've 'F**king Had Enough Of'
Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

We are all frustrated.

COVID-19 has been a part of all of our lives for the last two years now... it's okay to admit that you're exhausted and that you're completely over it. Those feelings are valid.

You've had enough? So have the rest of us.

But before COVID upended society as we knew it, there were plenty of things that frustrated us... regular things... like people who don't return shopping carts to the corral... and racism. You know the deal.

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In the life-defining battle for joy and contentedness, self-acceptance stands as a major prerequisite. We cannot change the things that are out of our control.

Feeling good only comes when we let go of our anger or sadness about those uncontrollable elements.

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People Dispel Myths About Women That Are 100% Untrue

Most men are seriously wrong about vaginas, the far-reaching interests and motivations of women, and what is involved with CARRYING A HUMAN BEING INSIDE YOUR BODY.

I am not a woman. I cannot fully empathize with how frustrating men mansplaining women to women must be.

But I can read this reddit thread and at least understand on an intellectual level. It's also pretty hilarious to hear just how far reaching men's ignorance can be.

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