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The Weirdest Places People Have Ever Bumped Into A Friend

Reddit user Eshoosca asked: 'What was the weirdest place you bumped into a friend?'

It's a small world, and nothing proves this more than when you randomly bump into a friend or someone else you know (or used to know) accidentally.

I've bumped into old friends at my local library, gym, and Starbucks. It's not all that strange, and if we used to be good friends, it's nice to catch up.

However, sometimes, we bump into friends in weird places or through some strange coincidence. I switched workplaces and apartments a few months ago. On my first day, when I took the train home, I bumped into a co-worker at my previous workplace.

We didn't know each other too well, but it turns out we live in the same neighborhood and take the same train home!

Redditors have some stories about randomly running into friends in weird places as well, and are ready to share.

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People Share The Biggest Friendship Red Flags That Folks Tend To Overlook
Photo by Goh Rhy Yan on Unsplash

You got to have friends.

There are shows about the beauty of friendships.

There are shows about the downfall of those connections.

I think we should focus more on the downfall.

We often turn a blind eye to the people we can and have called friends.

That can be a big mistake.

Don't let loneliness lead you.

Sometimes people just have to go.

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People Explain What Made Them Cut Off A Good Friend
Jan Tinneberg/Unsplash

Romantic relationships come and go as people navigate the dating world to find that special someone.

And while love can be fleeting, good friendships are everlasting–with "good" being the operative word here.

People rely on good friendships–which involve a person who is loyal, trustworthy, and someone who is always there for you to commiserate with over a slice of cheesecake well into your golden years.

However, not all friendships are created equal, and like how lovers become exes, friendships can dissolve just as easily.

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People Break Down The Best Ways To Make Friends As An Adult
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

As a kid, it’s easy to make friends. You don’t need to do much. Just share your pudding snack pack or make mud pies, and you have a new best friend.

As an adult, it can seem harder. You can’t really make mud pies anymore (in fact, that may be a way to drive off friends), and adults are a lot less open than kids, so it can be difficult to develop a rapport.

However, it’s not as hard as it seems to make friends, even as an adult. If you’re struggling, or even just looking for new ways to meet people, Reddit has got you covered!

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People Describe The Real Reason They Cut Ties With Their Best Friend

Friendships are one the most important and intimate connections young people make. Friends are the people you are close to, who you grow up with, and who are always there for you when you need them.

A majority of people have best friends. That's the one friend who you trust and love above everyone else. The one who has proven he'll always be there for you and the one you're ready to drop everything for.

However, not all friendships are meant to last. Sometimes, one or both of you will change. Other times, you'll just drift apart. And sometimes, the friendship will end because of malicious actions. Redditors seem to have a lot of those stories!

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