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People Divulge The Dumbest Reasons Their Friends Ever Ended Up On The News

Reddit user Miguenzo asked: 'What’s the dumbest reason somebody you know landed on the 6 o’clock news?'

It can be a pleasant and exciting surprise to see a friend or family member show up on the evening news.

Particularly if it is a story showcasing their accomplishments or allowing them to let their voice be heard on an important issue.

Of course, showing up on the news isn't always a joyous occasion.

Indeed, some people tune in to find their friends and family on the news for reasons they might hope people will eventually forget down the line.

Redditor Miguenzo was eager to hear stories of a loved one making the evening news for less than brag-worthy stories, leading them to ask:

"What’s the dumbest reason somebody you know landed on the 6 o’clock news?"

15 Minutes, Or Four Seconds, Of Fame...

"Years back, there was a college scholarship scam going on here."

"These companies would go to high schools and do a presentation, and grift parents into paying a large sum for the company to help get a scholarship."

"My mom took one look at this and was like, 'this is a scam'."

"My uncle bought it hook, line and sinker and paid up."

"And received absolutely nothing."

"So he calls our news program and they do a feature with this company in their 'hall of shame.'"

"My uncle was absolutely THRILLED."

"'They interviewed me for 4 hours!'"

"'It's going to be huge!'"

"We all sit around the TV."

"It's February 2000."

"Boom, there's my uncle!"

"They do the lead-in..and then, there's my uncle saying..."

"'They said, uh, sue 'em'."

"My uncle is screaming."

"'What the Hell?! They were at my house for 4 hours!'"

"We still have it on VHS somewhere."

"My uncle's star moment over in seconds."- JKW1988

Episode 19 News GIF by The Simpsons Giphy

Preserved For Posterity...

"My college roommate got stuck in an infant swing at a public park and firefighters had to use some type of Jaws of Life contraption to cut the swing down and cut her out of it."- Nocomt


"I know a guy who was interviewed on camera up in the mountains where there was a forest fire."

"He had been up there fishing with his girlfriend."

"He was married."- Fezig

Close Call

"Dude was swimming laps in a lake after dinner (i.e., around sunset)."

"Predictably, he got bit by an alligator."

"I saw him on the news, shirtless in true Floridaman fashion, with a little bandage over each tooth mark."

"The bandages made a dotted line around his shoulder and chest in the shape of an alligator's mouth, like he was in a cartoon or something."- BigRedRobotNinja

Tiere Bis Unters Dach Swimming GIF by SWR Kindernetz Giphy

Unpaid Extra

"There was a park nearby that had no drainage and was bowl shaped."

"So if it rained hard, this baseball park/ football field turned into a mini lake."

"It rained a lot one day and the news did a story just showing how much it rained, and in the background behind the news-woman, from out of frame you see my friend rowing past her in a kayak."- hook_killed_pan

Right Place At The Right Time?

"A fight broke out at a HS football game."

"Turned into a huge brouhaha.'

"They intervened this dumba** friend of mine on the local news, the only bit that made it into the broadcast was him saying 'For the first time in my life I was happy to see cops!'"- KneeDragr


"Marrying their pet goldfish in an underwater ceremony, complete with a wedding gown and guests in scuba gear."- Candies-For-You

Illustration Swimming GIF by Ordinary Nadee Giphy


'A childhood friend’s dad embezzled money from the local Little League team."- Key-Zebra-4125

How Did He Even Make It To The Freezer?

"An ex boyfriend of my best friend’s sister ended up on the news for breaking into a Checkers through the drive through window and locking himself in the freezer until the cops arrived and arrested him."- pineapple3712·

Ice Cream Snack GIF by My/Mochi Ice Cream Giphy

Setting An Example...

"I got filmed and aired sticking a swab up my nose at drive thru covid testing."

"I had just declined to be interviewed at my car because I was afraid of getting someone sick."

"Test was negative, and my sister got a new pic for my contact profile on her phone."- idiotsavant419

Criminals Don't Ususally Wait In The Check Out Line...

"My friend was going to target with his mom to buy a tv."

"They stopped at Starbucks in the store."

"When the worker asked what the wanted he said “'he money in the register see' like an old timey gangster, then laughed ordered and payed for their coffee and went into target."

"While they were pushing their cart with a tv in it to the check out line the swat team surrounded them and arrested him for armed robbery.. was on the news."

"Got charged and everything."

"The first hearing the barista could not point him out and the judge threw out the case."- MACHOmanJITSU

Returning To The Scene Of The Crime...

"A guy from my high school stole Michael Jackson's glove from the Motown Museum in Detroit MI in early 90s."

"He returned it."

"I knew it had to be him, and yep, it was."

"I remembered him because he dressed like Michael Jackson every single day of school for years."

"He did it really well, too."

"He also didn't talk much."

"So, I was surprised to see him talking to a TV reporter about it."

"I hope he's doing well."- ATK80k

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Some people crave their 15 minutes of fame and embrace it however it may come.

Others only hope that no one they knew happened to be watching their local news that night...

Even though they know deep down that all their friends have it on their DVR and are never planning to erase it...

People Reveal The Dumbest Reason They've Ever Lost A Friend

Reddit user Mister_Moho asked: 'What is the dumbest reason you've ever lost a friend for?'

People Reveal The Dumbest Reason They've Ever Lost A Friend
Helena Lopes/Unsplash

Maintaining friendships as we get older becomes a challenge.

The fact is, people evolve as they move on to different chapters in their lives, whether it's work-related, changing schools, or raising a family.

And while we do our best to keep the friendships involving our besties who've seen each of us go through our various ups and downs in life, it's inevitable that some gradually fade into the background and are eventually forgotten.

Curious to hear from those who've lost touch with friends, Redditor Mister_Moho asked:

"What is the dumbest reason you've ever lost a friend for?"

Workplace friendships can change without notice.

The Hurt Coworker

"We were coworkers, best friends. This dude quits the job and blocks me on everything?? I still don’t understand why."

– ToastedTurtle420

"He was probably hurt that you quit and apparently didnt know how to express his feelings in a healthy way, being a 45 year old man. 5 bucks say he got into his car after work that day, put on some sad music and cried."

– Waflstmpr

Gone And Forgotten

"I got laid off from my job a few months back that I’d only been at for just less than a year, and my best friend, whom I worked with during that time, of 5 years still hasn’t contacted me. That sh*t hurt."

– HyrumCWill

"Got hired, became great friends with a guy that's been there 25 years. We both hated the 'new owner' who owned it 5 years. (I was brand new)."

"Worked side by side for 6 months, went out 3-4 days a week after work for a beer. Every Fri we set our schedule for Monday. I worked in the field, he worked in the shop. We both arranged our schedules to help each other out."

"He'd said many times, 'we' had the best system he'd worked in 25 years there."

"I quit at 6 months. He knew I'd be quitting, we both talked about quitting as the owner was an idiot."

"I called him that Fri to see if he wantedd to grab an afterwork beer."

"45 yr old guy literally yelled into his phone 'no one here likes you so stop calling.' I chuckled, thought.that's weird, but ok."

"Called back. He answered, was really serious. Said it again. Calmer."

"Said look guy, you were never one of us, and you proved that when you quit."

"It was the weirdest and most chick-like breakup I've ever had!"

"I thought, a week ago, we took the company truck on a delivery, and his wife made us sandwiches at his house for lunch?"

"Always wondered if he hated me because I 'made it out'?"

"I picked the time to leave right after a big project, so he wouldn't be stuck doing my job. The timing was perfect to hire my replacement. Was really weird. Guess I hurt a 45 yr old dudes feelings somehow?"


Some people are terrible at communicating.

Non Answer

"Friendship of 20 years, She never told me why ('you know why") thats the dumbest reason ever."

– AssociateMany102

"Something similar like this. Best friend since kindergarten decides to suddenly ghost me after she ended up moving schools during junior year. The last several times we saw each other we never said much even at sleepovers. October, 2 months into the school year I noticed she has me blocked on social media. It didn’t help that throughout the rest of the year where people asked me how she was doing since we were always close. Took them about Senior year to stop asking and getting fake sympathy from a few including my parents. Meanwhile some of her acquaintances who she still had contact with always glared at me in the halls. Looking back at it in that last year, I can say we had our differences…."

– _hot_maruchan_


"Same. I was good friends with a guy for 15 years. Hung out at least once a week, usually minimum of 1 day at the weekend if life was busy. We would game together most night, grab a takeaway at the weekend and nothing seemed out of the ordinary."

"We had a meal one night and had even been discussing plans for the future and the next day he cut off contact."

"Blocked me on everything including my number as my calls just wouldn’t go through."

"After about two weeks I decided to go around his house and make sure he wasn’t dead. No answer. I tried a few more times, also email and phoning. Eventually after about a month I had to assume he was dead as I didn’t really have any contact with anyone else that knew him so I left it."

"After about 6 months I managed to find an old email messenger by accident I had forgotten about like 10 years ago and it said he was online so I reached out and he replied about 3 days later saying sorry he had been to some place for work and had to help there."

"Well turns out that was a lie as that location has never (and hasn’t since) had a store at that location."

"He then gave me his 'new' number and said he would fill me in."

"Number was not his, and immediately after he sent it to be the messenger changed to 'this person can no longer receive messages from you as you have been blocked.'”

"Never got an explanation or what I’ve done wrong."

– Interesting_Tone6532

"I also lost quite a bit of money because of this as I had been planning to go to an event which I had pre paid for and he said he would go if I booked it. I had told him when I was booking it for and he had verbally agreed to go if I sorted out all the details. Well I got some back for cancelling it but not everything as I didn’t want to go alone."

"The last thing is that his friend did the exact same thing to him over a girl about five years into us being friends, and he said to me then and swore that he would never do anything like that to anyone, and I believed him because if he was always pretty blunt when he didn’t like someone."

Sorry for the long message, I’ve never really found the right post to rant about this."

– Interesting_Tone6532

Some friendships aren't meant to last forever.

The Drug Dealer

"Had a friend that got pulled over by police and caught with drugs with intent to sell. All good, I always knew he consumed and it was not my problem. One week goes by, I give him a ride home during the afternoon and when I meet him at the same day during the night, I find him looking for his stash that he left in my car without telling me. He was surprised that I got mad. Entitled and spoiled kid. I cut all our ties."

– shur_t

Bad Taste

"My best friend in high school stopped associating with me when I started listening to bands other than Green Day."

"I wish I was joking."

– StrixArcana

"I'd see this happening in middle school, but high school?! Damn, someone was superficial..."

– OP

"In middle school someone told me I wasn’t “allowed” to listen to the Beastie Boys and Cypress Hill. I had to pick one."

– unit_79

You can't always predict everyone's behavior but based on their reactions to various circumstances can be very telling of who your "friends" are.

When their true colors reveal an individual to have a personality that contradicts the affable image of them you had before, it just shows they were never a friend to begin with.

The examples above were definitely reflective of the notion that it's not a matter of how many friends you have on your growing list on your social media friends lists.

It's the ones who will have your back no matter what that you want to hold onto.

Words matter.

That is a life truth ignored far too often.

I know emotions can run high.

But we really need to acknowledge how we use language toward one another.

It can have a life long-lasting effect.

Think before you speak. That is one of life's greatest mantras.

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There are some friendships, however, which do not stand the test of time.

What's more, in some extreme cases, these friendships ended because of a very pointed decision by one or more people.

What some might even consider a "breakup."

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