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The Weirdest Places People Have Ever Bumped Into A Friend

Reddit user Eshoosca asked: 'What was the weirdest place you bumped into a friend?'

It's a small world, and nothing proves this more than when you randomly bump into a friend or someone else you know (or used to know) accidentally.

I've bumped into old friends at my local library, gym, and Starbucks. It's not all that strange, and if we used to be good friends, it's nice to catch up.

However, sometimes, we bump into friends in weird places or through some strange coincidence. I switched workplaces and apartments a few months ago. On my first day, when I took the train home, I bumped into a co-worker at my previous workplace.

We didn't know each other too well, but it turns out we live in the same neighborhood and take the same train home!

Redditors have some stories about randomly running into friends in weird places as well, and are ready to share.

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