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A big scandal has the potential to keep people talking till the end of time.

Even decades later, people are still endlessly fascinated by Watergate and Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme.

But not all scandals are as well remembered.

Indeed, even if the overall consequences were no less extreme, there are some scandals that never quite manage to earn a page in the history books.

Or, at the very least, a Ryan Murphy produced mini-series based on it.

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NSFW Details About Historical Figures Left Out Of History Books
Photo by Giammarco on Unsplash

It's very popular to create rumors about certain historical figures to which there is no concrete evidence.

Such as the sexual orientation of Abraham Lincoln or the alleged illicit behavior of Lewis Carroll and Hans Christian Andersen.

Understandably, these mostly baseless, though not necessarily false, theories are left out of history books.

However, there are facts about legends of history which have, indeed, been proven true, but are also left out of history books.

Namely, because it's not the sort of information many would consider in polite conversation, let alone be talked about in schools.

Even if it is no less fascinating than anything else we might learn.

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People Explain Which Massive Scandals Most Folks Seem To Have Completely Forgotten

The good thing about that embarrassing secret only a handful of people knew about you getting out in school is that it quickly becomes old news.

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People Confess Which Things They've Purchased And Never Actually Used
Photo by Simon Hurry on Unsplash

Whether it's a fad product from Instagram or something for that hobby you just know you'll start doing one day, it's easy to buy things that seem useful and then just never use them.

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