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Green traffic light
Clay Banks/Unsplash

It's easy for Americans who haven't traveled outside the country to assume citizens in other parts of the world have access to the same amenities offered in the US.

But people who were not born in the States know very well how what a world of difference life in North America is compared to where they've come from.

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People Break Down The Weirdest Things They've Ever Seen While Traveling
yousef alfuhigi on Unsplash

Traveling to other countries comes with a lot of culture shock.

Certain things can leave an impression on you, and are different depending on where you go.

But there are some things so strange that they can't be attributed to simply culture shock.

And these Redditors experienced them firsthand.

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Do you remember when Hasan Minhaj corrected Ellen DeGeneres on the pronunciation of his name?

It was around April, and it was one of my favorite moments from this year.

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