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People Confess The Food They Can't Buy Because They'll Eat The Whole Thing In One Sitting
Spencer Davis/Unsplash

I cannot be trusted with chocolate marshmallow cookies.

I don't even like marshmallows, but something happens in my brain when I bite into it and I no longer have an ability to say no. It doesn't even matter what brand - could be Mallomars, or pinwheels, or whatever your local store brand is.

Doesn't matter, just put it in the freezer and walk away. It's best you forget about it, because you'll never see the box again.

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People Confess Which Ingredient Absolutely Ruins A Meal For Them
Alyson McPhee/Unsplash

Regular readers know I can't get enough of watching Reddit argue about food.

No matter what else is going on in the world, we can almost always count on the passionate love/hate for a food to unite the people.

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People Break Down Their Absolute Favorite 'Lazy Meals'
engin akyurt/Unsplash

"Lazy meals" around here usually just mean grazing some deli meats out of the drawer - let's keep it totally real.

Between my ADHD and my super busy schedule, cooking is one of those necessary evils that annoys me daily. "We have to do this AGAIN?!" pretty commonly gets sighed when someone asks me what's to eat.

So I've gotten good at both non-cooking, as above, and meals that taste amazing, might take a long time, but don't necessarily require a lot of effort or supervision (looking at you, picadillo, slow roasts, and baked pasta dishes.)

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