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I'm not a foodie. In fact I find the whole "foodie" culture insufferable.

It's just food, eat it and move on.

It's because of this culture of food obsession we've all tried some meals or restaurants that just don't live up to the hype.

All of these online people running around, taking scads of photos and videos of themselves feeding their faces has gotten out of control and lead others to make questionable dining decisions.

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People Explain Which Meals They Hated As A Kid But Love As An Adult
Photo by Karo Kujanpaa on Unsplash

I love food but I am no foodie. Food is here to sustain survival or to fill your feelings because you're unloved, I jest. I clearly have a complicated affair with the munchies. Who doesn't? And all of that drama begins at birth.

Think of it... before we can express ourselves properly we're being force-fed food we may loathe. So when we're kids, meals can be traumatizing. Some ingredients just do not mesh with your body chemicals. And that's ok. So parents stop force-feeding the gross.

Now as we age our palette refines and grows. So some of the food we hated we can learn to love or appreciate. But it takes time.

Redditor u/y_kama wanted to chat about the menu, so they asked:

What did you dislike to eat as a child, but now do you adore?
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People Describe Meals Native To Their Country That Everyone Should Try

Food and culture are often tied closely together. Tradition is built around what is available in your area. Globalization has allowed us all to have easier access to different foods from around the world however, you just can't beat locally made goods.

If you asked me what dish from the U.S. everyone needs to try ASAP I'd have to go the full Mainer on, you bub. Lobster rolls go without saying however, one in particular from a tiny shack down the coast apiece has the best. It's a toasted buttered roll with tempura-fried lobster covered in spicy Mayo, bacon, and fresh green onion tops. Pair that with an ice cold Moxie to drink and some hand-cut potato fries from the County and you got yourself a wicked good meal ayuh.

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People Explain Which Food Pairings Sound Absurd But Actually Taste Great Together
Image by Jacques2017 from Pixabay

I am not a foodie. I love food but I'm not obsessed, so when I go out to eat, or even when I'm preparing at home I'm pretty straightforward and boring. I've only recently begun to dabble in chipotle flavorings. So I'm always interested in what menu concoctions people are wiling to try, because I'm proudly sticking to the same old. But when I do dabble, I am often surprised. So throw me some ideas.

Redditor u/gooodkush wanted to know what mouthwatering combinations we need to be adding to our menus that will surprise us by asking....

What food pairing sounds absurd but tastes fine?

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You never forget the worst things you've tasted.

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