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The convenience of flight comes with a few expected inconveniences. First, your seat is never going to feel like it's big enough for you. Second, the person either in front of or behind you is going to put their feet up or lean their seat too far back. And, third, you have to roll the dice with the TSA checkpoints.

They scan you, check your baggage, send you on your way. Installed as a form of protection, they do their jobs before you even arrive at the airport, keeping very obvious weapons and dangerous minded individuals from boarding your flight.

Most of the time.

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Flight Attendants Share The Absolute Worst Things Passengers Do

Flying can be enjoyable as you watch the world below shrink as you ascend above the clouds. It can also be difficult and a fair test of one's patience. If this writer has any flight advice it would be one—even though it looks appetizing don't eat the airport sushi during a layover.

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Airport Security Workers Share The Weirdest Things They've Ever Found In Someone's Luggage
Photo by Pascal Meier on Unsplash

Why do we try to be sketchy when it comes to what we plan to travel with? The things we assume we can get away with in a post-9/11 world is astonishing. Being an airport security person has got to often be hilarious. You rummage through someone'e private bits as part of your job, it's suppose to be routine and then the next thing you know.... scandal honey! There are just somethings better left as a carry-on.

Redditor u/xyvulkin wanted all the airport people to tell us some secrets by asking....
Airport Security Workers of Reddit, what's the weirdest but still legal thing you found in someone's bag?
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This Private Jet Airline Is Feeding Passengers' Dogs Treats From A Michelin-Starred Chef And We Just Can't Even
alehfeldt/Getty Images

Treats created by Michelin-starred French chef Michel Roux are just part of the luxury offered to pets traveling on VistaJet flights.

In addition to gourmet treats, pets will be able to eat a well-balanced meal, and will receive special toys and a comfy sleep mat.

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