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Pilots And Passengers Divulge Their Scariest Flight Experiences
louis magnotti on Unsplash

Many people are afraid of flying. Thankfully, airline accidents are especially rare.

According to The International Air Transport Association, there was just one major aviation crash for every 5.4 million flights in 2018. The odds of dying in a plane accident are super low: The odds are 1 in 9,821.

That doesn't mean that accidents don't happen, obviously, but you can sleep at night. But of course there have been accidents and other scary experiences so both pilots and passengers have stories to tell.

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Flying isn't particularly fun for anyone. Yes, it's super cool being above the clouds, the idea of flying itself is awesome, but the reality of being on a plane is less than stellar.

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Love is in the air... literally!! And for many finding the perfect way to propose is one of the most important things in life. Redditor u/pezmonkey2 took to Reddit to announce his for love before take off. Listen to the story...

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Many think of the pilot's life as a glamorous one. Free travel, automatic respect in uniform, and the thrill of actually flying a plane all sound exciting to non-pilots everywhere. But Jon from has lived that life and he has some disappointing news: it's not so great.

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Flying is not for everybody. There is no such thing as a perfect flight. As a passenger we're not privy to the truth of the journey every plane takes. But our Captains are aware. And they know some things and have some stories we probably don't want to know but can't help but need to hear.

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