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Ridiculous Ways Straight Guys Have Tried To Hit On Lesbians

"Reddit user AdOk3759 asked: 'Lesbians of Reddit, what’s the most ridiculous thing a straight guy told you to talk you into having sex with them?'"

A woman wearing orange glasses stands against a white wall with the pride rainbow painted on it and her white jacket

Men and women and talking and flirting.

What a disaster that can be.

It's especially tricky when men flirt with women who are into women.

It sounds like a lot of gents can't take that obvious hint.

How this is STILL an issue in 2023 is beyond us all.

But here we are.

Gentlemen, please sit and read the following.

And then read it again.

Then share with your friends and male family.

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Women Share The Creepiest Thing A Guy Has Ever Said To Them
Photo by rayul on Unsplash

Girls, let's be honest. Most of us have been in a situation where a guy was flirting so badly, that he came off creepy.

Fewer girls have been in a situation where a guy they were talking to was actually creepy, but unfortunately, it's not a rare occurrence.

Sometimes, the guys think being creepy is the way to get a girl's attention. Other times, their intentions are malicious. Whatever the case, we have to be on high alert when something like this happens

Curious about what creepy comments girls have gotten, Redditor Capable-Parsley2368 asked:

"Girls, what is the creepiest thing a guy has ever said to you?"
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People Share The Weirdest Compliments They've Ever Received
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

Sometimes when people speak, they leave you stunned.

You have to wonder what is running through people's minds.

Compliments are lovely until they sound like a reason for a restraining order.

Redditor dannydevitocuddles wanted to hear about the things people have said to others, thinking they were trying to make a person feel good, but just left bewilderment. So they asked:

"What's the weirdest compliment you've ever received?"
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People Share The Most Effective Ways To Get A Man To Stop Hitting On You
Radu Florin/Unsplash

Having a man flirt with you unwantedly is one of those things that starts out maybe a little flattering, but can quickly escalate to OMFGSTOP—particularly if he's not great at hearing "no."

Men who can't take "no" for an answer or lash out at rejection have literally killed women before. It's happened so often, in fact, that women tend to come up with all sorts of ways to reject without rejecting in an attempt to not die.

Which, let's be real, is tragic and disgusting and if men could just stop killing and/or attacking women who reject them, that would be dope and super appreciated.

Until then, we have Reddit.

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People Share Effective Ways To Get A Woman To Stop Hitting On You
Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash

Sure, it's flattering when someone shows romantic interest in you.

But if you're not into them, how do you turn them down gently without offending them?
Do they deserve the harsh truth that they are not "your type" or do they deserve to be lied to?
So many questions.

But sometimes, the easiest thing to do in a scenario where an admirer can't take a hint and refuses to back down is to come up with a ploy to help you evade being pursued.

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