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Male flight passenger looking through his bag
Bambi Corro/Unsplash

The best of traveling is getting to see the world, escape from the trappings of our everyday lives, and be exposed to different cultures.

No one talks about the worst part of traveling–which is the actual travel part.

Especially where flights are concerned, you could be sitting for hours, feeling claustrophobic, and discovering the nuissance that is having restless leg syndrome.

All of these can be exacerbated by the type of passenger you have sitting next to you. Because if you're not on a journey with a travel companion, the stranger beside you could completely ruin your long-anticipated trip.

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Flight Attendants Share The Scariest Trips They've Ever Been On

The twentieth century brought us the most technologically advanced way to travel en masse yet--airplanes.

Airplanes are nothing short of a miracle. By rising above the clouds, we get from point A to point B more quickly than we ever have in the past. But like most things, there are moments when this doesn't work as well as we want.

Sometimes it gets outright scary. Planes are very sensitive, and if even one thing goes wrong, it can really change a trip from quick and painless to frightening.

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Extinct Flightless Bird Reemerges Thousands Of Years Later Thanks To Rare Evolutionary Process
Cagan Hakki Sekercioglu/Getty Images

Despite going completely extinct, a flightless bird known as a white-throated rail keeps evolving back into existence.

Through a process researchers call "iterative evolution" the sub-species keeps re-emerging.

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People Are Applauding The Pilot Who Ordered 23 Pizzas For His Passengers After Being Stranded On Runway For Hours
@bill_karsten and @MeanmuthaC (Twitter)

Pizza has the power to save the day.

We all know this, but the following sweet story only emphasizes this fact of life.

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This Mom Gave Out 200 Ear Plugs To Passengers So They Wouldn't Hear Her Baby Crying
Dave Corona/Facebook

Poor moms get a bad rap when flying with babies.

Babies cry.

It is just a thing babies do.

Sometimes you can fix it easily, sometimes you have no idea why they're crying and they just won't stop.

It's just the way life is.

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