first relationship

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People Break Down What They Learned From Their First Relationship

Reddit user Frero_s asked: 'What did you learn from your first relationship?'

Every love story, good or bad, has a lesson embedded in it.

And just like life in general, love always comes full circle.

We all end up back at the beginning.

My first relationship left enough scars for my therapist to send her her kids to college.

There is always a takeaway.

Too often, we ignore them.

If you haven't already, go back and dig a little deeper.

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People Divulge What Ruined Their First Real Relationship

Relationships take a lot of work, and a lot of people end up failing pretty hard before they learn to get it right.

Sometimes it's something one party in the relationship does, but sometimes it's just that they realize they're not a good fit for each other.

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