first dates

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People Share Their First Date Red Flags

"Reddit user Fun-Lack7534 asked: 'What is the biggest red flag on a first date?'"

A red neon sign that says Love Stories and it's reflection
Photo by Christian Lue

First dates can be very exciting.

Sure, you're nervous, and you're hoping this person isn't a serial killer, but that's all part of the excitement.

Imagine being interviewed later that you were on a date with a serial killer?

Podcast fame cemented.

But first dates are the chance for everyone to put their best lies... Sorry, best foot forward.

That's why certain behaviors can be alarming.

Don't ignore the red flags just because you're looking for romance.

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When planning a first date, most people chose to meet over a drink or a cup of coffee.

The stakes are low, it gives you plenty of time to determine whether or not there's chemistry, and should things not be going well, you can swiftly wrap things up after taking your last sip.

These days, however, people like to be a little bit more creative when it comes to first dates, and thus will organize a slightly unusual activity.

Sometimes, the risk pays off, and fun is had by both parties, leading to a second date, or even a lasting relationship.

Of course, there is every possibility that attempts to be creative could end up backfiring, sometimes even before the date even takes place.

Which doesn't stop people from trying them over and over again.

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Dating is hard and they say that you often find the person you're meant to be with when you stop looking. But for many people, that's not really an option, especially if they live somewhere like outside a major urban center, where the dating pool is far more limited.

Navigating dating life can be tiring, too — especially when your date does things that really irk you or turn you off.

Everyone has different things that bother them of course!

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Sometimes, well, many times, being single is the way to go. And we seem to learn that lesson the hard way.

You know within minutes if a date has gone off the rails.

I'm not talking about a "let's ease into this because of nerves" situation.

Crazy is crazy! Once you get that feeling of... "I'd rather be home listening to Adele," just go home and listen to Adele.

Redditor Zuzpo wanted everyone to share about the times they quickly realized being single was the better option. They asked:

"What was the moment you realized that you shouldn’t have showed up to a date?"
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