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People Debate Which Actor Would Make The Best Devil
Photo by Sander Meyer on Unsplash

Why do we love the Devil?

We can't help ourselves.

He's one of the most ancient and cryptic characters of all time.

And when he's on screen... you can't not watch.

Currently on my soap opera "Days of Our Lives" one of the main characters is possessed.

It's so much fun.

Now who needs the Devil on their acting resume?

Redditor 70701 wanted to debate some casting choices. They asked:

"Morgan Freeman was well accepted as the actor to play god, which actor would you nominate to play the devil in all future depictions?"
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People Who Sleep Naked Share Their Emergency Exit Plan

It's a shame that only 17% of Americans sleep naked...

Keep reading... Show less flames have consequences.

Reader, if you are proceeding to these stories, do not try these at home---as has been proven, you WILL burn your house down.

And do you really want to be a firefighter's reason for epic face-palming?

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The Internet Is On The Hunt For A Man And A Child Adorably Pictured In Front Of The Notre-Dame Right Before It Caught On Fire
Michel Stoupak/NurPhoto via Getty Images, @Valiant_Virgil/Twitter

Firefighters in Paris fought valiantly to stop the fire that consumed Notre Dame Cathedral 15 hours after it began on Monday.

French president Emmanuel Macron announced he would start an international fundraising campaign to restore the centuries-old cathedral after much of its roof and the iconic spire above it collapsed from the accidental blaze.

It will take years for the cathedral to return to its former glory. Until then, the heart of Paris will never look exactly the same again.

As a tribute, many took to social media and posted photos of themselves standing in front of the medieval Catholic cathedral prior to its devastation.

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This Incredible Story About A Pit Bull Saving A Baby From A Fire Is An Important Reminder About The Breed
credited to ABC13 Houston/YouTube | Twitter (@OurGODofWRATH)

Pit bulls get a bad rap for being a dangerous breed of dog. This is due in large part to owners who abuse them and train them to be violent for the sake of illegal dog fighting.

However, many dog owners profess their love for the breed, explaining that when they're raised like any other dog, they are sweet and wonderful pets.

But one pittie is taking things to a whole new level by saving a life.

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