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People Explain Which Things Are Actually Easier To Create Than To Destroy
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

The beginning is always easy.

The end is always an issue.

That's why it's the end. Final.

I've always found that true about writing.

Where else does it apply?

Redditor JimmyJoeJoe__ wanted to discuss all the things that are way too easy to begin. They asked:

"What’s easier to create than to destroy?"
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Man Shares Incredible Story About How His Very Good Dog Hank Saved His Family From A Very Close Call

This year on National Puppy Day, dog owners everywhere shared pictures and stories in celebration of our furry friends and every thing they do for us.

Twitter user @USCocksman was especially grateful for his golden retriever Hank though, without whom he might not be around today.

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Firefighters have ha super stressful, often very dangerous job. They save us from terrifying situations, and many find it to be quite a rewarding career. It's a little less rewarding when they're having to save us from our own stupidity, though.

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Small towns make for the best stories, don't they? The ability of a small group of people to close ranks and pretend nothing happened is mystifying. See, I grew up in Manhattan - where there was no way small town style secrets were happening. We may not snitch to any authorities, but we absolutely know and we absolutely talk about it while we're in line to get a slice. New Yorkers know, we just tend not to care. We don't have time to judge or keep secrets for generations - we're busy checking the MTA to see where the f*@! our train is at.

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