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The Most F**ked Up Kids' Movies Of All-Time

Reddit user Inflatabledartboard4 was curious about others' childhood cinematic trauma and asked: 'What is the most f*cked up kids' movie?'

When we think of children's movies, we may think of harmless fun.

But that doesn't mean there isn't some seriously messed up content in those films.

Like ever notice at least one parent is almost always dead—or dies!—during every Disney animated film?

Lion King Simba GIF Giphy

Don't even get us started on Old Yeller.


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People Break Down Which Movies Have Aged Poorly As Time Goes On
Photo by Krists Luhaers on Unsplash

Film historians and cinephiles claim many Turner Classic Movies transcend time and perpetually prompt renewed interest through successive generations.

There are arguably classic films like The Wizard of Oz (1939), All About Eve (1950), Singin' in the Rain (1952), Sunset Blvd. (1950), and The Godfather (1972), that are still being revisited and validated as some of the best cinema to this day.

Some films, however, eventually fell out of favor among moviegoers despite initially receiving critical acclaim and prestigious film awards.

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Black and white photo of a movie theater showing "Singing in the Rain"
Ricky Turner/Unsplash

Nowadays, the movie industry touts innovative cinematic experiences with advanced digital projection technology and sound systems to entice audiences back into theaters.

But during the advent of cinema long before home-viewing entertainment, people had to go to theaters exclusively to experience films on the big silver screen.

The movies that were filmed and shown in black and white at the time are now considered classics, and there is an enduring quality to these films that have inspired contemporary films recapturing a bygone era like the 2011 French comedy, The Artist.

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Movies Where It's Easier To Root For The Bad Guys
Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash

Who doesn't love a good villain?

If we really stop and think, we might realize that it's the villains, not so much the heroes, who have all the best lines.

Not to mention, often the most striking wardrobes as well.

Which doesn't mean that we don't cheer and feel vindicated to see them pay for all their awful deeds.

Most of the time.

In some rare cases, we might find ourselves siding with the supposed antagonist.

Leaving the theater wondering what exactly is so bad about them, and scratching our heads as to whether or not they got what they deserved.

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People Explain Which Movies They Just Did Not Understand At All
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Art is subjective.

As much as movies are universally loved, there are some that leave a big question mark.

Sometimes films, plots, and characters make no sense. AT ALL.

And that is uncomfortable for the ego.


Howard's End.

Is it art?

Am I just dumb?

Why do I care?

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