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Movies That Blew People's Minds When They First Watched Them

Reddit user ambitchious70 asked: 'What movie blew your mind the 1st time you watched it?'

Audience inside movie theater
Krists Luhaers/Unsplash

There's nothing more thrilling than going to see a movie inside a theater for the first time.

The anticipation builds as the lights dim, all the previews are finished, and the production company and studio distributor titles appear–signaling the movie you've been waiting for so long to see is about to begin.

Is going to be awesome? Will it tank? Who cares?

It's all about taking in the moment and experiencing the story unfolding without knowing what happens next.

That is the magic of cinema.

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Empty movie auditorium
something magical/Unsplash

Cinema aficionados love to enjoy discussing and engaging in debates about their respective favorite films.

While there are many excellent movies in historical cinema, fans also enjoy trash-talking the absolute worst films ever made.

What they don't disclose, however, is the fact that they embarrassingly enjoy campy films and appreciate revisiting them behind closed doors.

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If one were to really think about it, the villains might be the true hero of any story.

Of course, their actions remain indefensible and their behavior appalling, nor should we ever be rooting for them to succeed.

However, without the villains, where would any story go?

It's the villains who create conflict in our favorite books, films, and television series, and ultimately draw us into the story and keep our attention.

Even if we don't find ourselves sympathizing with villains portrayed by certain actors, it's hard not to find ourselves fascinated by them!

Sometimes, it's hard to even take our eyes off them.

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Scene from "Raiders of the Lost Ark"
Paramount Pictures

There are plenty of excellent movies we claim as our personal favorites.

But perhaps the best form of flattery is when we pay respect to a brilliant cinematic masterpiece by acting out memorable scenes from a particular movie.

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An image of sad toy Wall-E
Photo by Lenin Estrada on Unsplash

Movies mean a lot of things to a lot of people.

We'll never really predict how films can effect us.

But when it's a cartoon or supposed G rated flick, we think we're safe from sadness and trauma.


Ask anyone who has seen 'UP.'

Kid's films can be heartbreaking.

Some are even designed that way.

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