fifth horseman

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Creative People Imagine What They'd Do As The Fifth Horseman Of The Apocalypse

Oh the trouble you can get into during an Apocalypse!

The sky is falling! The end is near! It's the End of Days! Feels like it sometimes doesn't it? Like we're all just surviving in what's about to be Ryan Murphy's next installment of American Horror Story. It's always one of life's greatest fears.

And you have to ask yourself sometimes, when nobody is home... if you were a key player in the Apocalypse, like say you get to be the infamous, feared '5th Horseman'... what do you do to make your Apocalypse, unique?

Redditor u/TeddyBearToons wanted to know what sort of ideas one could come up with during the end of the world... Congratulations! You've been selected as the fifth horseman of the apocalypse! What plague will you bring upon humanity?

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