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If one were to really think about it, the villains might be the true hero of any story.

Of course, their actions remain indefensible and their behavior appalling, nor should we ever be rooting for them to succeed.

However, without the villains, where would any story go?

It's the villains who create conflict in our favorite books, films, and television series, and ultimately draw us into the story and keep our attention.

Even if we don't find ourselves sympathizing with villains portrayed by certain actors, it's hard not to find ourselves fascinated by them!

Sometimes, it's hard to even take our eyes off them.

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People Describe Their Absolute Favorite Smells Of All Time
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Good scents are powerful things. They can remind us of something we associate with a pleasant memory.

Certain smells also have the potential to be an aphrodesiac that puts us in a trancelike state of calm.

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People Describe Meals Native To Their Country That Everyone Should Try

Food and culture are often tied closely together. Tradition is built around what is available in your area. Globalization has allowed us all to have easier access to different foods from around the world however, you just can't beat locally made goods.

If you asked me what dish from the U.S. everyone needs to try ASAP I'd have to go the full Mainer on, you bub. Lobster rolls go without saying however, one in particular from a tiny shack down the coast apiece has the best. It's a toasted buttered roll with tempura-fried lobster covered in spicy Mayo, bacon, and fresh green onion tops. Pair that with an ice cold Moxie to drink and some hand-cut potato fries from the County and you got yourself a wicked good meal ayuh.

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People Divulge Their Favorite Go-To Comebacks
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

Whether the person delivering the remark is joking or dead serious and miserable, chances are that we'll be insulted plenty of times in our lives.

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People Explain Which Things They're In A Love/Hate Relationship With
Image by Lukas Bieri from Pixabay

Some of our possessions are no-brainer, have to have them, best things in the universe. Others are total beaters, through and through liabilities, that should have been trashed years ago.

But what about those possessions that fall right in between?

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