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"Goodbye" signs in various language seen at Disneyland's "it's a small world" attraction

All languages have certain words that roll so beautifully off the tongue.

It's no wonder why listening to vocal arias from operas and oratorios–which are typically in languages other than English–can be such a satisfying experience.

Examples coming to mind that are pleasant to the ear include, "Un Bel Di Vedremo" from the Italian opera Madame Butterfly and "Au fond du temple saint"–a duet from the French opera, Les pêcheurs de perles.

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With a new television season about to begin, viewers can't wait for the season premiers of their favorite TV shows, including long runners Grey's Anatomy and Law & Order: SVU, as well as high profile new shows, such as the Fox's country music drama Monarch or HBO's Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon.

Of course, the landscape of television has changed considerably in recent years, as evidenced by the fact that ABC's acclaimed Abbot Elementary was the only scripted network series to get any major nominations at the recent Emmy awards.

As a result, no one is beholden to tuning in when shows are on the air, or depending on their DVRs, or, for 80s and 90s children, VCRs!

More and more people watch their shows on streaming platforms, which means that not only can they watch current series the day after they aired, but younger viewers might also be able to binge classics like Friends or Will & Grace, as well as short-lived cult-favorites like Happy Endings or Freaks and Geeks.

As a result, many people's favorite show might be a show which ended its run several years ago.

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The mark of a great movie is one that you can watch over and over again.

Although, it isn't only great movies that have endless watchability.

Indeed, sometimes the movies we find ourselves wanting to revisit over and over again wouldn't even come close to being on the list of the top ten best films of all time.

But whatever they may, or may not, lack in quality, it's the comfort of revisiting these characters, places, and adventures that make return visits mandatory.

Particularly when we're feeling down.

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People Explain Which Part Of The Body Is Their Absolute Favorite
Photo by Nhia Moua on Unsplash

The human body is endlessly fascinating.

Particularly as bodies are unique to every human on earth, barring identical twins.

It's fascinating to see two people walking down the street and just how different each individual part of their bodies can be.

It's also easy to be fascinated by our own bodies.

Even though we spend every waking moment in them, every now and then it's hard not to wonder why certain parts of us are the way they are, or admire how other parts of us function.

Redditor Few-Description-9124 was curious to learn what parts of their bodies people admired the most, leading them to ask:

"Which body part is your favorite?"
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People Describe Their Most Beloved Fictional Characters
Ed Robertson on Unsplash

We can get quite attached to fictional characters.

Whether they appear in our favorite book, comic, TV show, animé or film, a really well created character can tug at our heartstrings, inspire us or make us cry.

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