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Sometimes, we truly never know how lucky we are.

Particularly when we might be disappointed to have missed out on something, only to learn after the fact that it was something of a miracle we did.

As the saying goes, we "dodged a bullet".

This could be for something trivial, like being late for a concert owing to traffic, only to find out it was a real stinker, or having to cancel a trip, only to discover how terrible the weather was the whole time you would have been there.

In other cases, the bullet you dodged may have been an actual life or death situation.

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The Craziest Butterfly Effects People Ever Experienced

Ever think about how even the smallest of actions can have significant consequences in life?

This notion of unpredicable consequences is typically known as the Butterfly Effect, which is defined as causing a non-linear impact on complex systems.

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The funny thing about fate is, if you believe in it, you end up right where you should be in life.

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People Describe The Best Chance Encounter They've Ever Experienced
Image by Miran Lesnik from Pixabay

Are chance encounters really serendipitous or is it part of some grand master plan?

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Isn't it weird how these two things managed to line up?

Coincidence is one of the strangest phenomena on the planet. Two events lining up in perfect sync that have "nothing" to do with each other.

Is it coincidence? Or is it fate?

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