fast food

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hamburger with vegetables and meat beside French fries
Photo by Haseeb Jamil on Unsplash

While it's important to eat healthy, it's not uncommon to sometimes crave something greasy and fattening.

Since everything is good in moderation, it's not a bad thing to want a meal of burgers, fries, and a milkshake. However, it is important to find out where to get the best.

There are countless fast food restaurants in the world. There are about seven located two minutes from my house! That's why it's no surprise that everyone has a different opinion on which place is the best.

Redditors have differing opinions on what the "right answer" is, and they're ready to share.

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People Share Their Funniest 'Sir, This Is A Wendy's' Experience
Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

Ah, yes, we are in the age of the unsolicited non sequitur outburst.

You know the kind, where you mention the weather and someone launches into a rant about Jewish Space Lasers causing wildfires.

It's time to bring them back to reality and say, "Representative Greene, this is Congress."

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People Describe Which Outrageous Food Items They'd Add To The McDonald's Menu If They Were CEO
Sparks Reliance on Unsplash

I love McDonalds. I try not to indulge in eating there as often as I used to. I still love it.

But their menu has grown significantly over the years, and I, like many, have thoughts.

There are so many ideas they could implement to shake things up.

Now I have discovered, we all have ideas.

Hopefully Ronald is listening.

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People Break Down Which Foods They No Longer Enjoy As An Adult
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Did anyone else almost exclusively eat McNuggets when they were a kid? Or was I just the biggest picky eater of all time? Regardless, it's very rare that I voluntarily go to McD's and get some nuggets as an adult. Did I outgrow it? Or did my tastebuds change?

I'm not the only one experiencing the phenomenon of outgrowing childhood foods. Here are just a few examples. Specter6272 asked:

What is a food you no longer enjoy as an adult?

Ah yes, the plight of the childish food losing its magic as an adult.

Spoiler: it spells “adulthood”.

“I can no longer enjoy Alphabetti pasta without my reading glasses on.”



‘Lois! My Alpha-bits cereal is haunted!’

‘Peter, those are Cheerios.’”


Frosting gets worse as you grow older.

the mindy project frosting GIF by HULU Giphy

“Frosting. I would eat the frosting first and then a cake or cupcake. Now, it gives me a stomachache and push it aside when I get cake.”


“I guess, thanks to the food industry there are a lot of examples of this situation. Cake frosting used to be delicious like 10-15 years ago but recently they give nothing but head ache. Have you tried a fully homemade cake?”


​Now it’s Coke Zero or bust.

“Soda. I used to chug a Coke every day after school. Now I can't stand them.”


“A part of me hopes I out grow my soda addiction some day... but on the other hand I'd probably turn to booze to get through the day and I'm not sure if that's any better.”


​Gross af.

“Cosmic brownies. I used to love them as a kid, but now I find them to be way too d*mn fudgy.”


“Yes! For me, all Little Debbies and Vichon brand snacks. I used to eat them all the time but the thought just makes me queasy now.”


​Like the Cosmic Brownies, sometimes even the mention of certain foods are enough to make someone gag.

The unfortunate truth.

Excited Super Bowl GIF by Totino's Giphy

“Pizza pops. It's possible I just outgrew them, but I'm pretty sure they changed the recipe. Now the dough is too sweet, the "cheese" doesn't even melt, and there's way less goo inside”


“Bagel bites are right on that street.”


Crunch Berries are the bomb, tbh.

“Popular breakfast cereals. I can't believe I used to eat that crap.”


“You know you want a bowl of Cap'n Crunch berries. I don't believe your lies.”


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Was milk ever good, though?

“Velveeta Mac and cheese, Subway sandwiches, and milk. Used to drink like two glasses of milk a day, but now I can't remember when I last had a swallow, let alone a glass, of just milk.”


“When I was in high school I would, and this is no exaggeration, literally drink anywhere from a half gallon to a full ass gallon of milk every. Single. Day.

I've also never broken any bones. Just sayin'.”


So far, nothing has topped milk when it comes to disgusting things that we would never consume as adults. What’s next?

Basically just sugar.

steve sugar GIF Giphy

“Zebra Cakes. One of my favorite snacks as a kid, I adored those hexagon shaped pieces of heaven. Then I bought a box was I was in college because nostalgia is a hell of a drug, but I threw it out after eating one cake. They were horrendous, and I have no idea if it's because the recipe changed or my taste buds did. But that was almost depressing, to have something I enjoyed so much turn out to be garbage.”


​Sometimes our tastebuds change abruptly.

“Bleu cheese. Loved it as a kid, teenager, and young adult, but one day in my early- or mid-20s I took a big ol' bite of my bleu cheese burger and gagged. Can't deal with it at all ever since. I have no good explanation; it just triggers my gag reflex every d*mn time.”


The most overrated food.

“Macaroni and Cheese honestly doesn't taste like anything to me anymore.”


“Macaroni and cheese is much better home made. My family rarely ever has macaroni though, a lot of the time we use shells instead. It's amazing how much that change can do!”


Thank goodness we eat things now that DON’T taste like cardboard.

Cardboard may not be for everyone, but it is for this guy.

Food No GIF by Bustle Giphy

“Cheesecake, yep ate it so much as a kid, can't even stomach a nibble.

In other news, I'm eating sugar wafers right now and I'm still a huge fan of their cardboard sugary taste.”


Too sugary.

“Pop Tarts. Loved them into my very early 20s. Cut back on sugar then, and didn't try one for fifteen years. When I finally did I couldn't finish it. Too sweet, and tasted like droid droppings.”


A kids-only snack.

“Warheads. As a kid I could eat a whole package and loved them. As an adult I tried them again and was shocked at how chemically they are and how it felt like they left an over-sweet film over my teeth. Sad day.”


Is there such thing as too much cheese.

Food Eat GIF by Justin Gammon Giphy

“I saw an add for a double cheese burger on top of a pile of fries literally covered (bun and all) with melted velveeta style cheese, and I gagged a bit. Being plant based and seeking to mostly eat Whole Foods has changed my tastes a tremendous amount.”


A one-night stand with Doritos.

“Cheetos, Doritos, Velveeta. Although approximately once a year, I do get some mad craving for Doritos, buy a small snack bag of them, and in that blissful moment, they're awesome again.

Then we return back to our previous relationship.”


​The Little Debbie snack cakes are the most depressing ones. The nostalgia for them is real, but on the other hand- how did we ever think those sugary things were good?

Moral of the story is- our tastes in food as children were complete trash. That is all.

Fast Food Workers Share Their 'I'm Never Going To Eat Here Again' Moment
Image by Marcel Gnauk from Pixabay

The rule of thumb when eating fast food is very simple: put on the blinders, enjoy the meal, and try not to do it too often.

But what if you work in the kitchen?

In that case, there's simply no escaping a complete understanding of the several horrors that each assembled burger or french fry encounters on its way to that front counter.

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