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People Divulge Their Childhood Celebrity Crushes
Photo by Phix Nguyen on Unsplash

Crushes are a normal part of life. Celebrity crushes are even more mainstream.

I tend to fall in love with the male lead of whatever my favorite show happens to be at the time. As a kid, I was certain I was going to grow up and marry Rider Strong from Boy Meets World (though I was so young back then, I couldn't tell the difference between Rider Strong and Shawn Hunter).

As I grew up, I predictably fell for both Nick and Joe Jonas, Andrew Garfield, and, my celebrity obsession for the last eight years, Grant Gustin.

I also had my fair share of cartoon and anime crushes (Zuko from ATLA anyone?) There's no shame here!

Celebrity crushes are not only normal, but something people can bond over.

Curious about what celebrities (or fictional characters) made people's lists, Redditor Jeece712 asked:

"Who was your celebrity crush as a child?"
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