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Notable People Who Died Before They Could Realize Their Full Potential

Reddit user rigorousthinker asked: 'Which person who died too early in life had the most potential?

graves in a cemetery
Waldemar on Unsplash

When someone dies young, people often lament they're "gone too soon."

Death comes for us all eventually, but sometimes it's especially shocking when a person on the cusp of greatness dies—often tragically.

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People Describe How The Smallest Amount Of Internet Fame Went To Someone's Head

Thanks to the internet and social media, it's never been easier to become famous.

Indeed, some people have used social media to such an effect, that they are as or more well known than any number of movie stars.

But others might have put something on the internet just for fun, unaware that they had a viral sensation on their hands ("Charlie bit my finger" anyone?).

Some people soak in this unexpected fame for a moment or two, and then let it pass as they go on with their lives.

Others, however, might enjoy being unexpectedly famous, and will relish in their unexpected celebrity for the rest of their lives.

No matter how small an audience their internet fame reached.

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People Share The Things They Find Completely Overrated

For the life of me, I can't understand how anyone could still watch The Walking Dead. I just checked and the damn thing has had 11 seasons. 11 seasons!

Can you imagine?

People enjoy watching characters follow a set of train tracks for an entire season I guess. (For context, I made it to the beginning of the seventh season before I threw in the towel, and it was really testing my patience well before then.)

But there's so much more out there that's equally overrated. Television is the least of our problems.

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People Debate Which Famous Historical Figures Would Be Surprised To Learn About Their Fame
Mika Baumeister/Unsplash

Fame is one of those things people tend to want until they have it - or that people shy away from entirely because they understand how sideways it tends to go.

But what about people who end up famous after their deaths? Or who managed to get more famous from the afterlife?

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People Describe The Most Famous Person In Their Family
Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Are you related to anybody famous? Where do they stand in your family?

The reality is, we are all probably related in some way or another to some famous figure at some point in history—the size of the human population was a lot smaller back then.

But how about now?

Does anybody whose name crosses the news on a regular or semi-regular basis come to your holiday table?

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