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Brilliant Ideas That Were Poorly Executed

Reddit user thespacecowboyy asked: 'What was a brilliant idea but poorly executed?'

Pile of recycling
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

The key to being a successful entrepreneur is having one brilliant idea.

A catalyst to spark inspiration and creativity, something you know that everyone in the world will want, that corporations will try to buy, and competitors will try to mimic.

Of course, the other key to being a successful entrepreneur is having that idea successfully executed.

No matter how brilliant your idea was, if it falls short on execution even the tiniest bit, then its chances of success are all but doomed to failure.

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People Who Tried To Do Something Nice But Failed Miserably Reveal What Happened
Mint Images/ GettyImages

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Doesn't matter how nice you were trying to be to something or someone, there's still an excellent chance they'll hate you for what you've done. Because, seriously how dare you try and offer to pay for their drinks? Who do you think you are?!


Lot of awkward stories coming up.

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People Share Which Products Failed Because They Were Ahead Of Their Time

Predicting the sales market is tricky. It's kind of like training a cat: You never know which way it's going to go and you usually end up with scratches on your face. In rare occasions it's not because you had a bad product, rather you were too far ahead of the curve with what you tried to sell people.

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