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The Weirdest Animal Facts People Know

Reddit user FunChemical3182 asked: 'What is the weirdest animal fact you know?'

Michael Jerrard on Unsplash

People accumulate facts throughout life on a wide variety of subjects.

Some are mundane while others are weird, wild or wonderful.

One subject a lot of people focus on is animals. Most people have a favorite animal that fascinates them that they want to know all about.

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The Funniest Historical Events Of All Time

Reddit user crooked_yellow asked: 'Which event from history will always be funny?'

"Someday we'll laugh about this."

You have to wonder if the people involved in the following historical events saw the humor at the time—or ever.

No matter.

People are laughing now.

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Isn't it Ironic, don't you think?

A little too Ironic.

Oh, Alanis was really onto something.

Too many of us get unintentionally burned by our own actions.

Our words, our thoughts, our inactions can come round back and give us a big bite on the hiney.

That's why lawyers tell famous people or politicians indicted for crimes not to speak in interviews.

Your words can burn you.

And what about inventors and creators?

Can you imagine being killed by your own project?

That's like being run over by your own car after you put it in PARK, but really it was REVERSE.

Or a house that you built collapsing on you.

It's a lot worse than rain on your wedding day...

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Many people prefer to know as little about what they're eating as possible, while others will do copious research about their food, namely how safe and hygienic what they just ate was.

Sometimes going down that rabbit hole of research, you might learn something about a product you just purchased or a restaurant that you wish you hadn't.

Then too, some of what you may read is purely urban legend and has absolutely no basis in fact.

Unfortunately, some information is merely the surface of shocking, disgusting secrets.

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Even though the United States of America is largely viewed as the best country in the world to live in, many Americans dream of living abroad.

Particularly in Europe.

From their eyes, there are several things about one's way of life that simply seem unquestionably better in Europe, including health insurance, education, and food.

Of course, many of these things are just in their minds and aren't actually true, and they have to have the news broken to them rather gently.

Sometimes, however, the things they've grown to accept about Europe aren't worse than they imagined, but infinitely better.

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