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Sketches of the human anatomy
Annie Spratt /Unsplash

We all know that the human body is very complex.

But even with all the recorded and available science, there are certain things about our bodies that continue to elude us, and medical experts can still get stumped about how the human form reacts unpredictably.

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People Break Down What They Strongly Believe In Despite Having No Evidence Or Proof
Miriam Espacio on Unsplash

Gut feelings exist for a reason.

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People Share The Coolest Facts They Know
Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash

The world is a cool place. So much is happening at any one second here on our planet earth, that at any moment there are so many cool things happening that you don't even know about.

But when you do know about it, it makes life that much more rich and interesting, and sharing that fact with others can bring them into that fold.

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People Share The Most Disturbing Fact They Know That They Wish They Could Forget
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

They say knowledge is power, and the more you know, the better off you are.

But to what extent is that much true if the nuggets of information you just acquired are things that gave you nightmares?

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You were "today years old" when you learned....what?

You learn something new every day, even if you don't think you do--but when you're aware that you learned something that you really should have known, boy, you are really aware.

At the same time, you're like...how did nobody ever tell me this? Was I supposed to divine this from thin air on my own?

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