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People Explain What Made Them Cut Off A Good Friend
Jan Tinneberg/Unsplash

Romantic relationships come and go as people navigate the dating world to find that special someone.

And while love can be fleeting, good friendships are everlasting–with "good" being the operative word here.

People rely on good friendships–which involve a person who is loyal, trustworthy, and someone who is always there for you to commiserate with over a slice of cheesecake well into your golden years.

However, not all friendships are created equal, and like how lovers become exes, friendships can dissolve just as easily.

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People Share The Most Ridiculous Thing They've Ever Had To Explain To Somebody
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

Just because you understand the concept of something, you can't assume it's common knowledge.

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People Break Down Which Things They're Sick Of Trying To Explain To People
Anita S. from Pixabay

If there's one thing I think most of humanity can agree on, it's that people are annoying. People are the worst.

You'd think they'd get the simplest concepts into their heads but they don't... and then they have the audacity to fight you on it.

Take this pandemic, for example.

Why are we still arguing over whether people should wear masks? The fact that so many people refuse to wear a piece of cloth is ridiculous when there's a deadly virus going around.

What's up with that?

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Have you ever experienced something that never made sense no matter how much you wracked your brain?

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For people that do or behave in any way that departs from the "norm"--whatever that is--conversations with strangers can be exhausting. Whenever that atypical attribute rears its head, someone demands a complete description.

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