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Things People Can't Understand Unless They've Been Through It Themselves

Reddit user Slow_Inflation8701 asked: 'What's something people don't understand until they've been through it themselves?'

people running on grass under blue skies in the daytime

Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

There's an old saying about walking a mile in someone else's shoes in order to understand them. It's an accurate sentiment as there are things in life one simply won't grasp unless experienced personally.

For example, I've been very open about my autism in my writing.

My fellow autistic adults often share how similar our experiences are and how well we can relate to each other.

However no matter how descriptive I am, it's difficult for someone neurotypical to fully understand what it’s like to have a brain that's wired differently.

But on the flip side, my autism means there are things I'll never understand.

Like what hunger feels like or how people usually feel pain or easily recognize faces or eat spicy foods or visualize things in their mind or don't get physically ill because of noises.

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For many people, escaping to the woods, either in a tent or a cabin, is just what they need to escape from their current realities and reset their mind.

Allowing themselves to be one with nature, and cut off from technology.

Not everyone finds the woods a peaceful place, however.

Indeed, being cut off from the rest of the world, all the while surrounded by wildlife, it's easy to see why some people find the woods scary, and not at all relaxing.

Particularly if their time in the woods included an experience which made them never want to return, ever again.

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Life is complicated, but there are so many things that are worth being thankful for, even in the day-to-day.

But of course, there are some things that we would love to see in our lifetimes that would make living that much sweeter.

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Whether or not to bring children into the world is a very personal decision.

While there are many arguments as to why anyone should, or shouldn't have children, it's not a decision for other people to make for you.

Some people dream of being a parent since they were children themselves, and can't wait to shower their own children with love.

While others always dreamed of having children, but for one reason or another, it simply never worked out.

Then there are those who never saw children as part of their life plan and don't feel any kind of void without having children in their lives.

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Messy living room in an apartment.
Photo by Jason Abdilla on Unsplash

Sharing a home with a roommate is always a balancing act.

Particularly if it's a roommate you settled for, rather than chose to live with.

While some roommates proved to be a match made in rent-controlled heaven, others find themselves to be less than compatible.

From constantly having to clean the dirty dishes they left in the sink, to dealing with them blasting music on full blast at all hours of the night when you're trying to sleep, some people never manage to jump from being roommates to being friends.

Making the day they can finally afford a place of their own to be truly the happiest day of their lives.

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