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young girls in sunglasses
Photo by Morris Fayman on Unsplash

Even in our progressive society, there are still far too many people with antiquated, mostly ludicrous, opinions of what it is to be a woman.

These are primarily from men in powerful positions.

However, some women also tend to look down on those who believe they are giving their gender a bad name.

This ignorant behavior is most commonly known as "toxic femininity".

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People Explain What They Were Really Hyped For But It Absolutely Flopped
Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

Expectations can be a dangerous thing.

It's very easy to be excited for an upcoming movie or TV show, an item of clothing you've been dying to own, or a vacation we've been saving years for.

But sometimes, when reality sets in, whatever it was we were so eagerly looking forward to doesn't always turn out to be everything we'd hoped it would be.

Redditor Tarps-celom was curious what fellow Redditors had sky-high expectations for, only to find themselves let down, and asked:

"What were you really hyped for but completely flopped?"
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It sure would be nice to see bullies–especially rich ones–face consequences for their actions. There is such a crisis of accountability right now that many people appear to have accepted that certain members of society will never face justice.

That's something that society should never be on board with and we should normalize rooting bad behavior out. It's easier said than done, but it's one of many things that the majority of people would need to be on the same page about if society ever hopes to move forward.

There are many things we can do to make society a much better place for everyone. People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor Cutelittlebunbun01 asked the online community,

"What is a thing that we should normalize?"
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People Share Their Best Predictions For 2022
Isabela Kronemberger on Unsplash

Looking back on the year, 2021 was not that much of a departure from the mess that was 2020.

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The world has changed significantly in the last twenty years. Back in the day, you could just step out of the house and be gone all day and no one could contact you unless they were back home or used a payphone.

Nowadays, people expect us to be connected all the time, which is super frustrating in its own way. But it's hard to imagine the world as it was before, right? And it's pretty wild that we just accepted it for so long, that is until technology advanced enough!

Society has changed... for better or worse. People shared their observations after Redditor Silkhide asked the online community,

"What was the most f**ked up thing that was generally accepted twenty years ago?"
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