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People Explain Which Things They Thought Everyone Was Exaggerating About Until They Experienced Them

"Reddit user rentinghappiness asked: 'What is something you used to think people were over-exaggerating about until you experienced it yourself?'"

Life lessons are forged in experience.

So many of us love to think we know what another person is feeling, and their reactions are just emotional.

Or what they're saying about what they're going through feels a bit over the top.

So many people are just dramatic, right?


Until we walk in those shoes, we'll never know.

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Tuning in for a reality show
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

We've all seen an episode or two of at least one reality show, and we all vary in how entertained we are by these shows.

We can all understand that these shows are exaggerated for the sake of entertainment, but we have to wonder, what really goes on behind the curtain?

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Many people lie or exaggerate about seemingly little things. For example, I've wondered if many are lying or at the very least stretching the truth about the number of partners they've had.

One of those strange things where half of the people are lying and making the number higher, and the other half are lying and making it lower.

It's funny, isn't it? But you do you! What do we know?

People shared some of their thoughts with us after Redditor SleepingOmibozu asked the online community,

"What's something you're 100% sure most people are lying about?"
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Children Of 'Back In My Day' Parents Reveal The Most Annoying Thing Their Parents Rant About

We've all heard stories of how things were "Back in my day," from an older family member.

Whether it was walking uphill both ways to school, or having to live without any of this "newfangled technology," there's always that one family member who has a tall tale to tell about how they had it worse.

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