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People Break Down The Folks They Consider To Be Literally Evil
Alessio Zaccaria/Unsplash

When we feel we have been wronged by someone, we tend to think the worst of them.


Evil, even.

But the concept of what is evil depends on the individual and their level of tolerance.

So what is pure evil then?

It's not always about demons. Because the truth is, humans are capable of doing some of the worst things imaginable.

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People Describe The Darkest Thing They've Ever Done That They Don't Regret
Photo by Ashley Jurius on Unsplash

Sometimes we do things that have to be done.

And some of those things live in life's gray area of right and wrong.

What comes as a surprise to some is when we don't care if we're wrong.

We may still technically be in the right.

But morally and ethically, there may be some issues.

But still, many people don't care.

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People Divulge Which Types Of People They're Actually Scared Of
Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

The world is full of crazy people.

It feels like that more and more as I meander in my local shopping center.

But a little crazy I can deal with.

I want to discuss the people who leave an imprint of fear.

The people who lack empathy, remorse... and a soul.

You met many of those?

Redditor playmesomethinnice wanted to see who would fess up and discuss the person or persons that leave us shook. They asked:

"What type of people are you scared of?"
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People Break Down Which Professions Are Morally Wrong
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

I get we all need to make money.

But how much of our soul are we willing to compromise?

How does one sleep at night when your day job is being a thief?

There are some shady yet legal jobs out there.

Let's discuss...Redditor tony971 wanted to discuss on what jobs maybe need a personal rethink. They asked:

"Which jobs are morally wrong?"
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People often go on and on about the dark web.

A secret place of scandal and horror.

But what is it really like?

Redditor AceofSpadesYT wanted to hear about the secrets and the salacious tales from the dark side of the internet. They asked:

"People who have accessed the dark web, what was it like?"
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