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People Confess How They Found Out Someone In Their Family Was Pure Evil
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

CW: Domestic violence.

Sometimes family are the ones to avoid most.

That whole blood and water thing is true.

Evil is everywhere.

Even in our blood, our DNA.

It can be daunting to learn that someone you share something so intimate with can be darkness incarnate.

But really, that's probably a statistical truth for all of us.

So how do we cope?

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People Describe The Most Evil Person They've Ever Met
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

Evil walks among us.

That is a difficult fact of life.

Not everybody is a good person.

I'm trying to not be one of those people on the news who "never would've thought!"

But now and again, we're gonna end up surprised and sad.

So let's discuss the people who shooketh us.

Redditor rentinghappiness wanted to know about times we've all faced down darkness. They asked:

"Who is the most evil person you’ve ever met?"
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We are a quote heavy, self-help speeching society.

We thirst for leadership because honestly... life is dark and depressing.

How many books, speeches, essays and small "on the daily" quotes do we follow and take to heart?

Do you research every author of every quote?

You should. Or maybe you shouldn't.

Redditor cow780 wanted to hear some inspiration from the worst people possible. They asked:

"Reddit, what are some great quotes by terrible people?"
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People Who Survived Being Shot Explain What It Really Feels Like
Max Kleinen on Unsplash


It's another ordinary day in America.

So of course that means we've already had a mass shooting or two before brunch.

And aside from the mass shootings, the number of single gunshot wounds or deaths is too high to count.

So let's discuss the aftermath.

Let's hear from the people who have faced the barrel of a loaded gun, or were just a casualty going about their day.

What happens after the bullet lands?

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People Share The Exact Moment Someone Made Them Think 'That Person's A Psychopath'
Florian Olivo on Unsplash

Warning: some of the stories shared here are extremely graphic and violent.

Who would've thought that Norman Bates, the devoted good boy who ran an adjoining hotel near his home while taking care of mother was a knife-wielding psychopath?

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