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People Share The One Rule Of Etiquette They Always Follow
Image by Terri Cnudde from Pixabay

The rules of society. That is something that is engrained in all of us from the time we're children.

Act proper, be respectable, be ready to present in public. What does all of that even mean?

And why do we still care what Emily Post thinks in 2021?! Etiquette is a lost art form for sure. It used to be the earmarkings of good breeding. Now... its just dull.

But... still essential. Ahh, the cultural divide.

Redditor u/rubber_duck_of_death wanted to hear how to our best selves, especially in public by asking:

Reddit, what is one rule/etiquette that you always follow?
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Nothing gets people more passionate than questions of proper airplane etiquette.

Perhaps being locked in a cramped metal room tends to make people a bit cranky.

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At the risk of sounding like a total curmudgeon, not enough people have manners these days!

The simple acts of "please" and "thank you"? Lost! People press buttons on adjacent floors of elevators of 36 story buildings!

It just doesn't make any sense. In the words of Full House, whatever happened to dependability?

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