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Cashiers Break Down Which Items Cause Them To Silently Judge Customers

It's human nature to have various opinions about the people we come across.

What sets us apart from heathens is that we keep our judgments to ourselves–especially when they are not of the flattering variety.

The people who probably interact with strangers the most are those who work in any type of service industry, and they should be good about keeping their mouths shut if they don't have anything nice to say about a customer or of their purchases.

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People Share The One Rule Of Etiquette They Always Follow
Image by Terri Cnudde from Pixabay

The rules of society. That is something that is engrained in all of us from the time we're children.

Act proper, be respectable, be ready to present in public. What does all of that even mean?

And why do we still care what Emily Post thinks in 2021?! Etiquette is a lost art form for sure. It used to be the earmarkings of good breeding. Now... its just dull.

But... still essential. Ahh, the cultural divide.

Redditor u/rubber_duck_of_deathwanted to hear how to our best selves, especially in public by asking:

Reddit, what is one rule/etiquette that you always follow?
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People Explain Which Things Are Considered Disrespectful In Their Country
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Not everywhere is the same as America, coming as a big surprise to no one.

Every country hands down their own customs and ways of living, built over centuries, sometimes even millennia, of interactions and societal preferences.

You might encounter these while traveling, forcing you to make a simple decision that could either please someone or make them incredibly frustrated.

Just remember, keep an open mind and never worry about asking:

"Do I take my shoes off or leave them on?"
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When you open up your home for a dinner party, game night, or a low-key catching up with friends over a couple glasses of wine, inviting them over is the easy part.

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People Share Which Socially Unacceptable Things Drive Them Nuts

Did Emily Post ever write about more than dining etiquette? We'll have to check. When amongst others, or even when amongst oneself there are basic signs... trademarks, behaviors we're all suppose to follow. It's all about good breeding, or at the very least basic human behavior. Now, sometimes there are extremes that really just breed snobs but there are certain actions that just don't belong when trying to thrive in society. Who hasn't been driven mad by people engaging in obvious unacceptable behaviors? I've lost count of how may people I've asked in what barn they were raised.

At least according to the opinions of others. That's all that counts... right? ;)

Redditor u/sadboi017 wanted to discuss the do's and absolute dont's we should be aware of when amongst society by asking.... What is considered socially unacceptable for no reason?

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