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Industries That Are A Lot Shadier Than They Seem
Photo by Fikri Rasyid on Unsplash

There are a number of industries which, owing to business practices and perception in the media, are commonly associated as being evil.

These include nuclear power, big pharma, and healthcare, at least in the United States, while some retail services such as Amazon are notorious for the poor working conditions in their factories.

However, are any industries or businesses wholly without sin?

We might find ourselves surprised what goes on behind closed doors of industries we've come to trust as ethical and without fault.

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Food is not one size fits all. Just because you're a fan of one kind of food, it doesn't mean you'll like anything under that category.

I adore vegetables, but I shudder just thinking about eggplant.

Meat is the same way. Just because you eat meat doesn't mean there aren't certain kinds of meat you refuse to consume. Redditors shared what kinds of meat they don't eat, but their reasons are not based on taste preference -- it's about the ethics of eating a certain kind of meat.

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Laws are not always ethical, are they?

While most are implemented to keep the peace and prevent people from stealing from one another, there are many which feel wrong. Whether it's who they're hurting or what they're preventing, there's something morally incoherent about their alignment.

Some of us just want to play classic video games, okay?

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People Break Down The Worst Business Practices They've Ever Witnessed
Hunters Race on Unsplash

Businesses have been known to cut corners and abuse their employees to make a buck. It's a trick as old as the institution of employment itself.

But it does come back to bite them... eventually. Every once in a while a business owner feels the effect of the pain they have caused on other people.

Either way, we now talk to each other about these exploitive and abusive practices.

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In a time where money talks more than anything else, the consumer's dollar holds a lot of power.

Withholding that dollar from unethical brands makes a big statement, not just about the brand, but about the buyer. What capitalistic nonsense do they refuse to engage in?

And also, if they continue spending their money there, such as Chik-Fil-A, what kind of atrocities are they committed to engaging in?

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